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Welcome to The Week Junior content hub! We are an award-winning current affairs magazine for children aged between 8 and 14. With schools around the UK closed, we’ve compiled some fun experiments and exciting activities you can do at home, to help keep children exploring, learning and creating. We’d love to see your creations – please tag us on Instagram @theweekjunior or email your pictures to
Below is just a selection of the activities and learning resources that we put into our magazine each week. Why not try 6 FREE issues of The Week Junior - delivered to your door every week it's the perfect way to keep them learning in a fun and informative way.
Download The Week Junior's cover, print it out and decorate it however you like.
Use leftover cardboard to decorate your desk at home.
Try this easy-to-make cheesy recipe- the perfect side-dish to any meal.
Have fun making a den inside. We've got some top tips to help you make your den as cosy and cool as possible.
You'll never struggle to think up a story with one of these easy-to-make story dice. Throw and off you go on a magical imaginary adventure...
Now's your time to make a self-portrait with pictures and words that sum you up. This is about reflecting your personality, rather than what you look like.
Have a go at making fresh, tasty pesto. Find out what ingredients actually go into your favourite pasta sauce.
Make delicious scrambled eggs in seconds. All it takes is whisking the eggs in a bowl and popping them into the microwave.
Warm up when you're feeling chilly with dreamy hot chocolate. There's a secret ingredient in this exciting recipe from Enid Blyton: Jolly Good Food.
Perfect your fitness routine with some circuit training. Use this guide to find out why stretching is key to exercise and much more.
It's time to dress up in disguise, dust for fingerprints and create coded messages. Here's your guide to becoming a top detective.
Try your hand at drawing the giant spider from Harry Potter with step-by-step instructions from legendary illustrator Levi Pinfold.
Understand how recycling works and what impact our rubbish has on environments across the world
Welcome to Antarctica - the coldest place in the world.
Refresh your ancient Egyptian topic work with these fun and engaging ideas for cross-curricular learning.
See who can get the first single strike with this easy-to-create game.
Chop tomatoes and garlic, toast bread and drizzle with a little olive oil to make this super simple snack for a delicious taste of summer.
Build yourself a brilliant harmonica with a few everyday objects, and start playing some of your favourite tunes.
Looking for more ways to feed curious minds? Why not try 6 FREE issues of The Week Junior - a brilliant current affairs magazine for children aged between 8 and 14. It’s filled with fascinating stories and information, written to engage young minds and encourage them to explore and understand the world around them. Home-delivered to your door every week it's the perfect way to keep them learning in a fun and informative way.
This fantastically fun game will have you hanging off the edge of your seat.
Make this flavoursome dish for your family and friends. All it requires is fresh vegetables, noodles and a splash of water. Spice it up with chilli or add an egg to make it even better.
Couscous couldn't be easier to make, and adding a few tasty fruit and vegetables makes it way more exciting.
Try your hand at cooking this traditional Indian lentil-based dish. Add coriander and lime to jazz it up and serve to hungry family members. We promise they'll enjoy it.
If you want to make a delicious cheese, tomato and basil fried egg, go to The Week Junior's How to page.
Tuck into a tasty Greek-style salad and you'll be transported to feta-tastic dreamland.
This article tells the story of the first people to reach the summit of Everest.
The 20th July 2019 sees the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11's moon landing. Discover the story behind the landing, the people behind the mission, and much more.
The history of space travel is filled with unforgettable moments and daring missions into the great unknown.
Soda bread is the perfect addition to any meal. Enjoy with boiled eggs for breakfast or dip it in your soup at tea.
Learn how to draw Harry Potter's Patronus with step-by-step instructions from Harry Potter illustrator Levi Pinfold.
Children's Laureate Cressida Cowell has some handy tips on how you can create your own magical world.
Discover how to wow your friends with amazing tales with our how to tell a story guide.
Stay active in your home with this simple and fun circuit.
Another simple workout for you to do indoors, get all the family involved!
Help lift the spirits of people in care homes at a time when they cannot have visitors and may feel isolated.
Food banks give food and other household goods to people who are finding it hard to buy enough for themselves.
Make paper bunting and carrot cake in celebration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day. (C) Rex Shutterstock.
Know someone that loves science and nature? Check out The Week Junior Science and Nature magazines FREE content hub and help them bring the world of science, technology, engineering and maths to life - even while they're at home! There are lots of exciting activities to ignite curiosities and mind-blowing ideas to keep children exploring.