Welcome to The Week Junior

Safe, inspiring news
(Image credit: Future)

Now is the ideal time to nourish your child’s natural curiosity by introducing them to The Week Junior magazine. It explains the news in an unbiased, age-appropriate way and encourages children to form their own opinions.

When your child understands their world better, they feel brighter. Their confidence is boosted, promoting positivity and inspiring them to think big, aim high and find their place on the planet.

We all want our children to flourish, so this spring watch them grow with a subscription to The Week Junior.

Try The Week Junior today

Reading that sparks conversations
(Image credit: Future)

The Week Junior is designed and written by experts to get kids to fall in love with reading & learning. It’s packed full of science, nature, animals to discover, role models to meet, amazing places, and ideas for things to make and do.

It's a brilliant way to:

Essential skills for educational success

Cultural Capital
‘Cultural capital’, defined by Ofsted as ‘the essential knowledge that children need to be educated citizens’, is needed for children to succeed at a broad range of studies by the time they reach GCSE level. The Week Junior provides a solid, well-researched and broad offering of cultural capital, ensuring its readers – with the help of their parents – are in the best possible position to become well-educated citizens of the world.

Reading and Literacy
Even reluctant readers will find The Week Junior’s short, engaging articles digestible and enjoyable and will find themselves reading the whole magazine in a fraction of time they would finish a book; a great confidence boost whilst improving language and communication skills. Using the articles as a start point for discussions and debates at home is also an excellent way of improving children’s oracy – essential for personal and academic expression.