We are all different and respond to uncertainty in different ways. When things feel out of our control, it is normal to experience feelings of worry, anxiety or fear. If that is the case, try not to worry. Here are some simple suggestions from Place2Be for things you can do to help you stay positive while spending time more time at home:
Keep Routine
Just because you aren’t at school, doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of your days. Structure can be a good thing for your mental health, especially when things feel uncertain around us. Try making a list of things you want to do each or even break up your day into 45-minute slots. You could write it out like a timetable and plan lots of different fun activities you can do throughout the day. This will give you a chance to get the most out of your time and maybe learn something new.
Try Something New (Or Old)
Time at home can be good for doing some of the hobbies and activities you love, but also for finding new ones. Keeping your brain busy is essential at home and learning something new is a perfect way to do this. Try and make something with things you have around the house, painting and drawing, cooking your favorite meal with an adult at home or creating either a quiz or a new game to try out with your family.
Limit Screen Time
It is really easy to get stuck in front of a screen when you are spending a lot of time at home. Too much time in front of a phone or computer can affect your sleep, health and mood. Try to schedule phone or computer time into your schedule. You could use it to catch up with a friend through FaceTime or Skype. You could work out a treat with your adult at home for sticking to your plan!
Stay Active
If you can, try to spend some time outdoors and plan some exercise into your daily timetable, if you have a garden go and kick a ball around, or try out some games you play at school. If not, try to go for a walk if you can, make up an indoor exercise routine or follow one online. Fresh air and movement are great for our wellbeing, just a little bit per day can make a big difference if you’re feeling stressed or frustrated at home.
Talking About Feelings
Sharing your worries and feelings helps them to not seem so big. Being indoors can bring new feelings and thoughts and if that is the case there is no need to keep them to yourself. Think about who you can talk to about these; an adult at home, a friend over the phone or maybe you have contact details for someone you know you can trust.
Place2Be is a national charity that works in schools to support children and young people when they need to talk about their feelings.