In support of Action for Children:
This Christmas might feel a little bit different than normal for many people. That’s why we’re encouraging you to join our 12 Days of Kindness challenge and help bring cheer to your friends, family and community – and yourself – throughout December. We’ve created a downloadable poster for you to print out and stick up - it features 12 ways for you to show kindness and will help you to keep track of how you get on. Scroll down and check out our handy ideas to help you complete each day.
We also have a creative competition to design our festive front cover with TV presenter, author and Action for Children ambassador Dr Ranj as our guest judge! Get your template and see the full entry details below.
We’d love to hear about the kind things you’ve done and how they made you feel. Tell us about your acts of kindness at or share with us on social media @TheWeekJunior - remember to use the hashtags #12daysofkindness and #TheWeekJunior (make sure you have a parent/guardian's permission to do this)
Remember to have fun, smile and most of all, be kind.
Keep track of your progress with our poster
Looking for inspiration? Here are some helpful tips to help you with your challenges
For most of us, the festive season is a happy time. But there are children all over the UK who face a Christmas without food, warmth or love.
Action for Children is working hard to change this, but they need our help. That is why The Week Junior is supporting its Secret Santa campaign this Christmas.
You don’t need a team of reindeer or a magic sleigh. By becoming an Action for Children Secret Santa, you could bring happiness, warmth and safety to vulnerable children across the UK.
To find out more about Action for Children and its Secret Santa campaign, please go to: