Why was the First World War also known as The Great War?
The 11th November 2018 marks 100 years since the end of the First World War. If you are looking for a new approach to teaching KS2 pupils about the First World War why not try our lesson plan using an article from Science+Nature and one from The Week Junior as a starting point.
- Great inventions of The Great War
- All about the First World War
Launch an in-depth historical enquiry and explore the events of the Great War, discover how it started, and investigate the amazing inventions and discoveries that happened because of it. Did you know that without the First World War we wouldn't have blood banks and mobile X-ray units?
Target several aspects of the Key Stage 2 programme of study and develop key skills including:
- a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
- a local history study
- critical thinking skills
- decision-making skills
- analysis and evaluation skills.
There are also opportunities to extend learning beyond the classroom, and link to other areas of the curriculum such as English/literacy, maths, geography, science, D&T, music and SMSC.